photo by Sussanne Van Holst from Fine Art America
In the shadow of the basilica
The basilica towers over everything in my town.
I worried about going to hell pretty frequently during my eight years of Catholic grade school. Girls were warned constantly against impure thoughts, words and deeds. It was hard to measure up against the martyred virginal saints who valued their purity more than their lives. When I got pregnant my senior year of high school, I felt marked forever as a sinner.
Nowadays, in my home town, things are different.
Young unmarried women don’t have to keep their pregnancies secret and give away their babies. And guess what? The church is still standing. It hasn’t been struck by a bolt of lightening or slid into the creek. What I’d once thought of as a narrow-minded main street seems broader now and prettier. Almost fairy-tale lovely–a place where families can live happily ever after.
Over-simplified? Yes. I know that. But still, it’s a different world than the one I grew up in.